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Flawless Vision: What to Expect Before, During, and After LASIK Surgery


Clear vision is indispensable in a world dominated by screens and fast-paced lifestyles. For those seeking freedom from glasses or contact lenses, Clarity Vision, a premier eye hospital in Hyderabad, offers advanced LASIK surgery, including custom LASIK and Contoura LASIK. If you’re considering LASIK surgery, understanding what to expect before, during, and after the procedure can alleviate any concerns and help you make an informed decision.

Flawless Vision: What to Expect Before, During, and After LASIK Surgery - Clarity Vision

Consultation and Evaluation:

The journey to flawless vision begins with a thorough consultation and evaluation at Clarity Vision. A skilled ophthalmologist will assess your eye health, refractive error, corneal thickness, and other relevant factors to determine your eligibility for LASIK surgery. This step ensures the procedure is safe and effective for your needs.

Customization with Advanced Technology:

Custom LASIK and Contoura LASIK are tailored procedures that use cutting-edge technology to map your eye’s unique contours. This customization enhances the precision of the surgery, resulting in optimised vision correction.

During LASIK Surgery:

Anesthesia and Comfort:

During the surgery, you’ll be administered local anaesthesia to numb the eyes, ensuring you remain comfortable throughout the procedure. You might experience mild pressure or sensations, but there should be no pain.

Flawless Vision: What to Expect Before, During, and After LASIK Surgery - Clarity Vision

Corneal Reshaping:

The ophthalmologist will create a thin corneal flap using a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser. The flap is gently lifted, and the underlying corneal tissue is reshaped using an excimer laser. This precise reshaping corrects refractive errors, allowing light to focus accurately on the retina.

After LASIK Surgery:

Immediate Recovery:

Following LASIK surgery, your eyes might feel slightly scratchy or irritated. You’ll be advised to rest for a short while before going home. Arrange for someone to drive you back after the procedure.

Post-Operative Care:

Clarity Vision provides detailed post-operative care instructions. These include using prescribed eye drops, avoiding rubbing your eyes, and protecting your eyes from dust and bright lights. Attend follow-up appointments to ensure your eyes are healing correctly.

Flawless Vision: What to Expect Before, During, and After LASIK Surgery - Clarity Vision

Rapid Visual Improvement:

 Most patients experience improved vision within 24 to 48 hours after LASIK surgery. However, it’s important to note that everyone’s healing process is unique. Complete visual stabilisation might take a few weeks.

Long-Term Results:

LASIK surgery at Clarity Vision offers long-lasting results, significantly reducing dependence on glasses or contacts. Many patients achieve 20/20 vision or better after the procedure.

Flawless Vision: What to Expect Before, During, and After LASIK Surgery - Clarity Vision


Clarity Vision, a renowned eye hospital in Hyderabad, specialises in delivering flawless vision through custom LASIK and Contoura LASIK surgeries. Understanding the process before, during, and after the surgery can help ease apprehensions. As pioneers in refractive eye surgery, Clarity Vision’s skilled surgeons and state-of-the-art technology ensure you’ll be well-cared for at every step of your LASIK journey. Enjoy the clarity of life without visual barriers with LASIK surgery at Clarity Vision.

Book your appointment now for all eye-related refractive services at Hyderabad’s best LASIK and Refractive Suite.

Clarity Vision

Beyond LASIK, Beyond SMILE

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